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Our Team


Royal Goldfields (by GVI - Global Vision Investments AG) is offering, conducting and implementing Investment Possibilities, in Gold Mining and other Resources.
Our Team


Jürg Bühler

Mr. Buehler has many years experience in trading and investing in the financial markets and has been actively involved in the alternative investments arena. He began his career as a currency trader in 1989 for Bankers Trust AG, Zürich and became vice treasurer and a securities dealer, trading fixed income, equities, funds and derivative contracts.

In 1990, Mr. Buehler took a trading position at Industrial Bank of Japan (Switzerland) Ltd., where he traded money market instruments, forward contracts, FRA and IRS contracts.

In 1992, he joined the Hedge Fund manager GFTA as a trader where he operated trading strategies on stock index futures and foreign exchange rates.

In 1996, he joined Financial Market Analysis (FMA), in Düsseldorf, Germany, as head of trading, and became a partner in the firm in 1998. At FMA, he worked on research and model development and in the provision of marketing services for Hedge Funds and CTA firms.

In 2005, he founded WWFI - World Wide Financial Investments, Juerg Buehler and Dighton World Wide Investments AG (DWWI) providing research and advisory services relating to Alternative Investments around the world. Mr. Buehler served the group as Managing Director of Dighton World Wide Investments AG from October 2005 through June 2008.

In 2007, he founded Global Vision Investments (Cayman Islands) that founded DynamiteF3 and Dynamite CTA Fund. In 2008 he founded Global Vision Investments AG in Switzerland where Mr. Buehler resides.

Since June 2012 he started to look at projects in the commodity space for direct investments.

From January 2013 through September 2015 he served as a director of Ruby Creek Resources Inc. and also held the position of Corporate Administrator.

He is a Partner of Tehuan Mining and Logistics.

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